Mysteries + Magic of Bird Migration with Ian Davies
Mysteries + Magic of Bird Migration with Ian Davies
Date + Time: April 19, 7 PM ET
The phenomenon of bird migration is a favorite subject that prompts so many questions. What triggers birds to move and why? Why do some travel inconceivably long distances or choose to fly by day or night? Migration is a global event that we can witness all around us, especially in the spring. Please join us to marvel at the mind-blowing feats and learn about the compelling narratives, mysteries + magic of bird migration with the excellent Ian Davies.
Ian Davies works at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where he helps coordinate the eBird project with a special focus on developing and strengthening global partnerships. He’s been lost to the world of birds since 12, and has since then traveled to 59 countries and seen more than half of the world’s bird species. His favorite thing to do is appreciate the wonder and spectacle of bird migration.